DAS  3.1.6 - 18/09/2017
PRG Commands

PRG Commands

The complete set of keywords recognized by DAS is (the first link is for the command syntax the second one is for the corresponding function executing the command):

  1. AUTORNG (E_AutoRange)
  2. AVGCCD (E_Average)
  3. BEGIN ( E_DeltaSZA)
  4. CALIBRA (E_Calibra)
  5. DARKC (E_Dark)
  6. EXPO (E_Expo)
  7. FILTER (E_Filter)
  8. GETCCD (E_GetCCD)
  9. H_FILTER (E_Home_SM3)
  10. H_GRAT (E_Home_SM2)
  11. H_MIRROR (E_Home_SM1)
  12. HG_ON (E_Hg_Off)
  13. HG_OFF (E_Hg_On)
  14. LABEL (E_Label)
  15. MEASURE (E_Measure)
  16. MEASHOR (E_Meashor)
  17. MIRROR (E_Mirror)
  18. PLOT (E_Plot)
  19. QJ_OFF (E_Qj_Off)
  20. QJ_ON (E_Qj_On)
  21. RADIO (E_Radio)
  22. REM (E_REM)
  23. SAVE (E_Save)
  24. WAIT (E_WAIT)
  25. WAVELEN (E_Lambda)
  26. XEND ()
  27. ELAMPON (E_ExtLampON)
  28. ELAMPOFF (E_ExtLampOFF)
  29. ESHUTOP (E_ExtShutOpen)
  30. ESHUTCL (E_ExtShutClose)
  31. H_ZEN (E_Home_SM5)
  32. H_AZI (E_Home_SM6)
  33. ZENITH (E_Zenith)
  34. AZIMUTH (E_Azimuth)
  35. AAMEASURE (E_AAMeasure)
  37. CHKEXLAMP (E_ChkExLamp)
  38. AAPOSIT (E_AAPos)
  39. IREFSUN (E_IRefSun)
  40. MEASHOR2 (E_Meashor2)
  44. NDFILTER (E_NDFilter)
  45. H_NDFW (E_Home_SM4)
  46. DFMEASURE (E_DFMeasure)
  48. QJSCAN (E_QjScan) .
  49. H_GRAT_CAL (E_HGratCal) .
  50. HGSCAN (E_HgScan) .
  51. ALMUCANTAR (E_Almucantar)
  52. DIRECTSUN (E_DirectSun) . Until DAS315 the PRG files are of the type reported in the figure below.
    Example of PRG file for DAS version <=315
    In the previous example only some of the several KeyWords recognized by DAS are reported,
    It has to be noted that in the instructions related with the grating positioning (AVGCCD, MEASURE, WAVELEN and all the ones involving a spectral window selection, the value of the central wavelength is codified with fixed IDs ranging from 0 to 14,
    In addition the last instruction of a PRG file it has to be BEGIN (without CR after it) to ensure the repetition of the cycle.

    Starting from DAS316 the syntax of a PRG file has been changed:
    • the last instruction has to be XEND (with one or more CRs after the instruction)
    • in the instructions involving a grating positioning, the wavelength has to be used with its real value in amstrong as stored in wlstep file.
      Example of PRG file for DAS version >=316


Generated on Mon Sep 18 2017 11:47:01 for DAS - Rel. 3.1.6 - 18/09/2017.