One of the main features of DAS is the possibility to perform scheduled measurement in automatic and unattended mode.
This is obtained passing an ASCII file as argument of the DAS executable. Different DAS Execution Modes are determined by the name and/or extension of the argument.
- DAS.exe 'filename'.PRG - The same scheduled measurements in the PRG fileare repeated from sunrise to sunset (or until the Max SZA Limit -Options - Page 3 - is reached) (Automatic)
- DAS.exe MASTER - The Spectrometer performs different charts of measurements during the periods specified in the MASTER file. (Automatic timed)
- DAS.exe SZAPRG - The Spectrometer performs different charts of measurements during the day depending on the range of Solar Zenith Angle Specified in the SZAPRG file (SZA Driven)
- DAS.exe MASTERSZA - As SZAPRG, but different PRG files can be specified for AM and PM periods (AM PM SZA Driven).
The very simple syntax of the MASTER, SZAPRG and MASTERSZA files are explained in their own section (Automatic timed, SZA Driven, AM PM SZA Driven)
For the syntax of the PRG files refer to PRG Commands