António Paulo Pereira de Mira

PhD, Professor auxiliar |

CIBIO-InBIO, Universidade de Évora, Departamento de Biologia, Pólo da Mitra. 7002-554 Évora




Leciono unidades curriculares na área da Biologia da Conservação, Gestão de Recursos Naturais e Mamalogia e sou o responsável pela Unidade de Biologia da Conservação do Departamento de Biologia desde 2003.

Sou investigador no Pólo de Évora do Centro de Investigação em Biodiversidade e Recursos Genéticos (CIBIO) onde sou o vice-responsável do Grupo de Ecologia Apáglicada. Sou também colaborador do Instituto de Ciências Agrárias e Ambientais Mediterrânicas (ICAAM).

A minha área de investigação varia entre a “Ecologia Aplicada das Populações e das Comunidades” e a “Ecologia da Paisagem” e nos últimos cinco anos os meus interesses focaram-se nos seguintes tópicos:

  • Efeitos das infraestruturas lineares de transporte na fauna, incluindo a descrição dos padrões de atropelamentos e das características da paisagem associadas aos “hotspots de mortalidade; a quantificação do efeito barreira e a avaliação dos efeitos destas infraestruturas na abundância e uso do espaço de várias espécies
  • Efeitos das alterações nos usos do solo na conectividade da paisagem e suas implicações para a persistência de metapopulações
  • Serviços de biocontrolo prestados pelos morcegos e pelas aves em sistemas agrícolas Mediterrânicos
  • Recuperação da biodiversidade e reabilitação de habitats em áreas degradadas ou profundamente alteradas pelo Homem

Estudei várias espécies e comunidades, mas foquei-me sobretudo nos mamíferos. Muitos dos trabalhos foram realizados em roedores, mas nos últimos anos o espetro alargou-se e tenho-me igualmente dedicado ao estudo dos morcegos, coelhos e carnívoros.

Atualmente sou o responsável do projeto LIFE LINES – Rede de Infraestruturas Lineares com Soluções Ecológicas (LIFE14 NAT/PT/001081) cofinanciado pela Comissão Europeia (veja mais em




António Paulo Pereira de Mira (1999). Ecologia do rato-cego-mediterrânico (Microtus duodecimcostatus) em pomares de citrinos do sul de Portugal. Bases para a gestão das populações. Tese de Doutoramento. Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade de Lisboa

António Paulo Pereira de Mira. (1990). Estudo comparativo de populações portuguesas de Mus musculus domesticus Rutty, 1772 e Mus spretus Lataste 1883 (Rodentia: Muridae). Aspectos relativos à sistemática, reprodução e fisiologia. Tese de Licenciatura. Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade de Lisboa.


Santos, S.M.; Carvalho, F.; Mira A. (in press). Current knowledge on wildlife mortality in railways. In Borda-de-Água, L.; Barrientos, R.; Beja, P.; Pereira, H.M. (eds.), An Introduction to Railway Ecology. Springer;

Carvalho, F.; Santos, S.M.; Mira, A.; Lourenço, R. (in press). Methods to monitor and mitigate wildlife mortality in railways. In Borda-de-Água, L.; Barrientos, R.; Beja, P.; Pereira, H.M. (eds.), An Introduction to Railway Ecology. Springer;

Godinho, C.; Catarino, L., Marques, J.T.; Mira, A.; Beja, P. (in press). Assessing bird exclusion effects of wetland crossing by a railway. In Borda-de-Água, L.; Barrientos, R.; Beja, P.; Pereira, H.M. (eds.), An Introduction to Railway Ecology. Springer;

Carvalho, F; Galantinho, A;  Mira, A. 2011. Factors affecting small and middle-sized carnivore occurrence and abundance in Mediterranean agricultural landscapes. Case studies in Southern Portugal.  In Rosalino, M.; Gheler-Costa, C. (eds.), Middle-Sized Carnivores in Agricultural Landscapes. Nova Science Publishers, New York, pp. 39-68 (ISBN: 978-1-61122-033-9);

Zuur, A.F.; Mira, A.; Carvalho, F.; Ieno, E.N. ; Saveliev, A.A.; Smith, G.M. & Walker, N. (2009). Negative Binomial GAM and GAMM to Analyse Amphibian Roadkills. In Zuur, A.F.; Ieno, E.N.; Walker, N.; Smith G.M. (eds), Mixed effects models and extensions in ecology with R. Springer; New York, pp. 383-397 (ISBN 978-0-387-87458-6);


Mira, A. (2014). Vertebrados do Concelho de Marvão. Breve síntese dos valores mais relevantes. In Oliveira, J. (ed.). Marvão. Estudos e Documentos de apoio à candidatura a Património Mundial, Edições Colibri/Câmara Municipal de Marvão, Marvão, pp. 72-75 (ISBN: 978-989-689-404-7)

Mira, A. (2008). Mammals. In Arizpe, D.; Mendes, A.; Rabaça, J.E. (eds.), Sustainable Riparian Zones. A management guide. Edição Generalitat Valenciana, Valência, pp. 110-11 (ISBN:  978-84-482-4967-0).

Mira, A.; Mathias. M.L. (2007). Topillo Lusitano (Microtus lusitanicus). In Palomo, L.J.; Gisbert, J.; Blanco, J.C (eds.), Atlas y Libro Rojo de los Mamíferos Terrestres de España, 2 ed.. Dirección General para la Biodiversidad, Madrid, pp. 418-419 (ISBN: 9788480147118)

Queiroz, A.I. (ccord.); Alves, P.C.; Barroso, I.; Beja, P.; Fernandes, M.; Freitas, L.; Mathias, M.L.; Mira, A.; Palmeirim, J.; Prieto, R.; Rainho, A.; Rodrigues, L.; Santos-Reis, M.; Sequeira, M. (2005). Fichas das espécies de Mamíferos. In Cabral. M.J. (coord.); Almeida, J.; Almeida, P.R.; Dellinger, T.; Ferrand-de-Almeida, N.; Oliveira, M.E.; Palmeirim, J.; Queiroz. A.I.;  Rogado; L.; Santos-Reis (eds.),  Livro Vermelho dos Vertebrados de Portugal. Instituto da Conservação da Natureza, Lisboa. (ISBN: 972-775-153-g)

Mira, A. (1996). Distribuição espacial do rato-cego-mediterrânico (Microtus duodecimcostatus) num pomar de citrinos da Região de Setúbal. In Lavadinho, A.M.P. (ed.), Os Roedores na Agricultura. DGPC, Lisboa, pp. 57-64.

Mira, A.;  Mathias, M.L.  (1996). “Padrões de reprodução em ratinhos--caseiros (Mus musculus domesticus) e ratinhos-ruivos (M. spretus). In Lavadinho, A.M.P. (ed.), Os Roedores na Agricultura. DGPC, Lisboa, pp. 65-75.


Borralho, R.; Palma, L.; Machado, C.; Mira, A. (eds.) (2010). Conservação de Vertebrados Terrestres Ameaçados em Portugal: Situação Actual e Perspectivas. Livro de Resumos. CEAI, Naturlink, Universidade de Évora. Évora.

Mira, A.; Borralho, R. (2009) (eds.). IENE Transport Infrastructure of the 21st Century: Connecting People and Wildlife. Abstract book. Unidade de Biologia da Conservação – Universidade de Évora, Naturlink.

Mira, A.; Borralho, R.; Dias, S. (2005) (eds.). Seminário Infra-estruturas Lineares e Biodiversidade. Avaliação, monitorização e minimização de impactes. Livro de resumos. Naturlink, Unidade de Biologia da Conservação - Universidade de Évora, Grupo de Trabalho em Fauna e Infra-estruturas Lineares, Évora.


Galantinho, A.; Eufrázio, S.; Silva, C.; Carvalho, F.; Alpizar-Jara, R.; Mira, A. (in review). Road effects on demographic traits of small mammal populations. European Journal of Wildlife Research.

Mestre, F.; Risk, B.; Mira, A.; Beja, P.; Pita, R. (in review). A metapopulation approach to predict species range shifts under different climate change and landscape connectivity scenarios. Ecological Modelling.

Mestre, F.; Pita, R.; Mira, A.; Beja, P. (in review). Metapopulations, patch turnover and successional dynamics: When does intermediate disturbance favours species persistence? Oecologia.

Carvalho, F.; Lourenço, A.; Carvalho, R.; Alves, P.C.; Mira, A.; Pedro Beja, P. (in review). Behavioural disturbance and gene flow across a motorway in a forest carnivore: joint evidence from roadkills, radio tracking and genetics. Landscape and Urban Planning

Barbosa, S.; Paupério, J.; Herman, J.S.; Ferreira, C.M.; Pita, R.; Vale-Gonçalves, H.M.; Cabral, J.A.; Garrido-García, J.A.; Soriguer, R.C.; Beja, P.; Mira, A.; Alves, P.C.; Searle, J.B. accepted. Endemic species may have complex histories: within-refugium phylogeography of an endangered Iberian vole. Molecular Ecology.

Areias-Guerreiro, J.; Mira, A.; Barbosa, A.M. in press. How well can models predict changes in species distributions? A 13-year-old otter model revisited. Hystrix (doi:10.4404/hystrix-27.1-11867)

Grácio, A.R.; Mira, A.; Beja, P.; Pita, R. 2017. Diel variation in movement patterns and habitat use by the Iberian endemic Cabrera vole: Implications for conservation and monitoring. Mammalian Biology Volume: 83 Pages:21-26

Mestre, F ; Canovas, F ; Pita, R ; Mira, A  ; Beja, P.  2016. An R package for simulating metapopulation dynamics and range expansion under environmental change. Environmental Modelling & Software Volume: 81 Pages: 40-44

Carvalho, F; Carvalho, R; Mira, A ; Beja, P. 2016. Assessing landscape functional connectivity in a forest carnivore using path selection functions. Landscape Ecology Volume: 31 Issue: 5 Pages: 1021-1036

A. Lumbreras, J. T. Marques, A. F. Belo, M. Cristo, M. Fernandes, D. Galioto, M. Machado, A. Mira, P. Sá-Sousa, R. Silva, L. G. Sousa, C. Pinto-Cruz. 2016. Assessing the conservation status of Mediterranean temporary ponds using biodiversity: a new tool for practitioners. Hydrobiologia Hydrobiologia Pages: 1-13

Santos, S; Mira, A; Salgueiro, P; Costa, P; Medihnas, D; Beja, P. 2016. Avian trait-mediated vulnerability to road traffic collisions. Biological Conservation Volume: 200 Pages: 122-130

Peralta, D ; Leitao, I ; Ferreira, A ; Mira, A; Beja, P; Pita, R. 2016. Factors affecting southern water vole (Arvicola sapidus) detection and occupancy probabilities in Mediterranean farmland. Mammalian Biology Volume: 81 Issue: 2 Pages: 123-129

Herrera, JM; Salgueiro, PA; Medinas, D; Costa, P; Encarnacao, C; Mira, A. 2016. Generalities of vertebrate responses to landscape composition and configuration gradients in a highly heterogeneous Mediterranean region. Journal of Biogeography Volume: 43 Issue: 6 Pages: 1203-1214

Barros, T; Ferreira, E ; Rocha, RG; Gaubert, P; Bandeira, V ; Souto, L ; Mira, A ; Fonseca, C. 2016. Genetic signature of the northward expansion of the Egyptian mongoose Herpestes ichneumon (Herpestidae) in the Iberian Peninsula. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society Volume: 118 Issue: 3 Pages: 686-697

Pita, R., Lambin, X., Mira, A.; Beja, P. 2016. Hierarchical spatial segregation of two Mediterranean vole species: the role of patch-network structure and matrix composition. Oecologia Pages: 1-11

Herrera, JM; Teixeira, ID  ; Rodriguez-Perez, J ; Mira, A. 2016. Landscape structure shapes carnivore-mediated seed dispersal kernels. Landscape Ecology Volume: 31 Issue: 4 Pages: 731-743.

Barros, T  ; Gaubert, P ; Rocha, RG; Bandeira, V  ; Souto, L ; Mira, A ; Fonseca, C. 2016. Mitochondrial demographic history of the Egyptian mongoose (Herpestes ichneumon), an expanding carnivore in the Iberian Peninsula. Mammalian Biology Volume: 81 Issue: 2 Pages: 176-184

Mestre, F ; Pita, R; Pauperio, J ; Martins, FMS ; Alves, PC ; Mira, A ; Beja, P. 2015. Combining distribution modelling and non-invasive genetics to improve range shift forecasting. Ecological Modelling Volume: 297 Pages: 171-179

Herrera, JM ; Costa, P; Medinas, D ; Marques, JT ; Mira, A . 2015. Community composition and activity of insectivorous bats in Mediterranean olive farms. Animal Conservation Volume: 18 Issue: 6 Pages: 557-566

Quaglietta, L ; Hajkova, P ; Mira, A ; Boitani, L. 2015. Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra) density estimate based on radio tracking and other data sources. Mammal Research Volume: 60 Issue: 2 Pages: 127-137

Carvalho, F; Carvalho, R; Galantinho, A ; Mira, A ; Beja, P. 2015. Monitoring frequency influences the analysis of resting behaviour in a forest carnivore. Ecological Research Volume: 30 Issue: 3 Pages: 537-546.

Santos, SM; Marques, JT; Lourenco, A; Medinas, D; Barbosa, AM ; Beja, P ; Mira, A. 2015. Sampling effects on the identification of roadkill hotspots: Implications for survey design. Journal of Environmental Management Volume: 162 Pages: 87-95

Pita, R.; Mira, A.; Beja, P.2014. Microtus cabrerae (Rodentia: Cricetidae). Mammalian Species Volume: 46 Issue: 912 Pages: 48-70

Beja, P; Schindler, S; Santana, J ; Porto, M ; Morgado, R ; Moreira, F; Pita, R ; Mira, A ; Reino, L . 2014. Predators and livestock reduce bird nest survival in intensive Mediterranean farmland. European Journal of Wildlife Research Volume: 60 Issue: 2 Pages: 249-258.

Quaglietta, L; Fonseca, VC ; Mira, A; Boitani, L. 2014. Sociospatial organization of a solitary carnivore, the Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra). Journal of Mammalogy Volume: 95 Issue: 1 Pages: 140-150.

Carvalho, F; Carvalho, R ; Mira, A ; Beja, P. 2014. Use of tree hollows by a Mediterranean forest carnivore. Forest Ecology and Management Volume: 315 Pages: 54-62.

Gomes, LAP ; Salgado, PMP; Barata, EN; Mira, APP. 2014. Alarm scent-marking during predatory attempts in the Cabrera vole (Microtus cabrerae Thomas, 1906). Ecological Research Volume: 28 Issue: 2 Pages: 335-343.

Medinas, D ; Marques, JT  ; Mira, A. 2013. Assessing road effects on bats: the role of landscape, road features, and bat activity on road-kills. Ecological Research Volume: 28 Issue: 2 Pages: 227-237.

Quaglietta, L; Fonseca, VC; Hajkova, P; Mira, A; Boitani, L. 2013. Fine-scale population genetic structure and short-range sex-biased dispersal in a solitary carnivore, Lutra lutra. Journal of Mammalogy Volume: 94 Issue: 3 Pages: 561-571

Pita, R Mira, A; Beja, P . 2013. Influence of Land Mosaic Composition and Structure on Patchy Populations: The Case of the Water Vole (Arvicola sapidus) in Mediterranean Farmland. Plos One Volume: 8 Issue: 7

Santos, Sara M; Lourenco, Rui; Mira, Antonio; Beja, Pedro. 2013. Relative effects of road risk, habitat suitability, and connectivity on wildlife roadkills: the case of tawny owls (Strix aluco). Plos One Volume: 8 Issue: 11.

Gomes, LAP; Salgado, PMP; Barata, EN; Mira, APP. The effect of pair bonding in Cabrera vole's scent marking. Acta Ethologica Volume: 16 Issue: 3 Pages: 181-188.

Gomes, LAP; Mira, APP; Barata, EN. 2013. The Role of Scent-marking in Patchy and Highly Fragmented Populations of the Cabrera Vole (Microtus cabrerae Thomas, 1906). Zoological Science Volume: 30 Issue: 4 IF(2013): 0,876 citations: 2

Quaglietta, L; Martins, BH; de Jongh, A; Mira, A; Boitani, L. 2012. A Low-Cost GPS GSM/GPRS Telemetry System: Performance in Stationary Field Tests and Preliminary Data on Wild Otters (Lutra lutra). Plos One Volume: 7 Issue: 1

Silva, CC; Lourenco, R; Godinho, S  ; Gomes, E; Sabino-Marques, H ; Medinas, D; Neves, V; Silva, C; Rabaca, JE; Mira, A. 2012. Major roads have a negative impact on the Tawny Owl Strix aluco and the Little Owl Athene noctua populations. Acta Ornithologica Volume: 47 Issue: 1 Pages: 47-54

Pita, R; Mira, A; Beja, P. 2012. Assessing habitat differentiation between coexisting species: The role of spatial scale. Acta Oecologica-International Journal of Ecology Volume: 37 Issue: 2 Pages: 124-132

Pita, R; Mira, A ; Beja, P.2011. Circadian activity rhythms in relation to season, sex and interspecific interactions in two Mediterranean voles. Animal Behaviour Volume: 81 Issue: 5 Pages: 1023-1030

Carvalho, F; Mira, A. 2011. Comparing annual vertebrate road kills over two time periods, 9 years apart: a case study in Mediterranean farmland. European Journal of Wildlife Research Volume: 57 Issue: 1 Pages: 157-174

Santos, SM; Carvalho, F; Mira, A. 2011. How Long Do the Dead Survive on the Road? Carcass Persistence Probability and Implications for Road-Kill Monitoring Surveys. Plos One Volume: 6 Issue: 9

Sabino-Marques, H; Mira, A. 2011.  Living on the verge: are roads a more suitable refuge for small mammals than streams in Mediterranean pastureland? Ecological Research Volume: 26 Issue: 2 Pages: 277-287

Santos, SM; Mathias, MD; Mira, AP. 2011. The influence of local, landscape and spatial factors on the distribution of the Lusitanian and the Mediterranean pine voles in a Mediterranean landscape. Mammalian Biology Volume: 76 Issue: 2 Pages: 133-142

Basto, MP; Pedroso, NM  ; Mira, A; Santos-Reis, M.2011.  Use of small and medium-sized water reservoirs by otters in a Mediterranean ecosystem. Animal Biology Volume: 61 Issue: 1 Pages: 75-94

Reino, L; Porto, M; Morgado, R; Carvalho, F; Mira, A; Beja, P. 2010. Does afforestation increase bird nest predation risk in surrounding farmland? Forest Ecology and Management Volume: 260 Issue: 8 Pages: 1359-1366

Santos, SM; Mathias, MD; Mira, AP. 2010. Local coexistence and niche differences between the Lusitanian and Mediterranean pine voles (Microtus lusitanicus and M. duodecimcostatus). Ecological Research Volume: 25 Issue: 5 Pages: 1019-1031

Santos, SM; Lourenco, RF; Mathias, MD; Mira, AP. 2010. Spatial and temporal ecology of the Lusitanian pine vole (Microtus lusitanicus) in a Mediterranean polyculture. Animal Biology Volume: 60 Issue: 2 Pages: 209-227

Pita, R; Mira, A ; Beja, P. 2010. Spatial segregation of two vole species (Arvicola sapidus and Microtus cabrerae) within habitat patches in a highly fragmented farmland landscape. European Journal of Wildlife Research Volume: 56 Issue: 4 Pages: 651-662

Santos, SM; Mira, AP; Mathias, ML.2009. Factors influencing large-scale distribution of two sister species of pine voles (Microtus lusitanicus and Microtus duodecimcostatus): the importance of spatial autocorrelation. Canadian Journal of Zoology-Revue Canadienne De Zoologie Volume: 87 Issue: 12 Pages: 1227-1240

Gomes, L ; Grilo, C; Silva, C; Mira, A. 2009. Identification methods and deterministic factors of owl roadkill hotspot locations in Mediterranean landscapes. Ecological Research Volume: 24 Issue: 2 Pages: 355-370

Pita, R; Mira, A; Moreira, F; Morgado, R; Beja, P.2009. Influence of landscape characteristics on carnivore diversity and abundance in Mediterranean farmland. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment Volume: 132 Issue: 1-2 Pages: 57-65

Galantinho, A ; Mira, A. 2009. The influence of human, livestock, and ecological features on the occurrence of genet (Genetta genetta): a case study on Mediterranean farmland. Ecological Research Volume: 24 Issue: 3 Pages: 671-685.

Santos, SM; Mira, AP; Mathias, ML. 2009. Using presence signs to discriminate between similar species. Integrative Zoology Volume: 4 Issue: 3 Pages: 258-264

Mira, A; Marques, CC; Santos, SM; Rosario, IT; Mathias, ML. 2008. Environmental determinants of the distribution of the Cabrera vole (Microtus cabrerae) in Portugal: Implications for conservation. Mammalian Biology Volume: 73 Issue: 2 Pages: 102-110.

Ascensao, F; Mira, A .2007. Factors affecting culvert use by vertebrates along two stretches of road in southern Portugal. Ecological Research Volume: 22 Issue: 1 Pages: 57-66

Mestre, FM; Ferreira, JP; Mira, A. 2007. Modelling the distribution of the European Polecat Mustela putorius in a Mediterranean agricultural landscape. Revue D Ecologie-La Terre Et La Vie Volume: 62 Issue: 1 Pages: 35-47

Pita, R; Beja, P; Mira, A. 2007. Spatial population structure of the Cabrera vole in Mediterranean farmland: The relative role of patch and matrix effects. Biological Conservation Volume: 134 Issue: 3 Pages: 383-392

Santos, SM; Mathias, MDL; Mira, A. 2007. Vegetation structure and composition of road verge and meadow sites colonized by cabrera vole (Microtus Cabrerae Thomas). Polish Journal of Ecology Volume: 55 Issue: 3 Pages: 481-493

Pita, R ; Mira, A ; Beja, P.2006. Conserving the Cabrera vole, Microtus cabrerae, in intensively used Mediterranean landscapes. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment Volume: 115 Issue: 1-4 Pages: 1-5

Santos, SM; Simões, MP; Mathias, MD; Mira, A. 2006. Vegetation analysis in colonies of an endangered rodent, the Cabrera vole (Microtus cabrerae), in southern Portugal. Ecological Research Volume: 21 Issue: 2 Pages: 197-207

Cruz, R; Santos, S; Mira, A; Monteiro, A; Queiros, F; Mathias, ML. 2002. First record of the Common vole Microtus arvalis (Pallas, 1778) for Portugal. Mammalia Volume: 66 Issue: 4 Pages: 606-609

Mathias, MD; Mira, A. 1992. On the origin and colonization of house mice in the Madeira islands. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society Volume: 46 Issue: 1-2 Pages: 13-24

Mathias, MD; Mira, A. 1992. Serum-proteins and hematological values in the fallow deer (Dama-Dama l) (Cervidae, Artiodactyla). Mammalia Volume: 56 Issue: 3 Pages: 485-488


Garrido-García, J.A.; Rosário, I.T.; Gisbert, J.; García-Perea, R.; Cordero, A.I.; López-Alabau, A.; Mathias, M.L., Mira A.; Pita, R.; Santos, S., Sendra-Pérez, I., Vicente V & Soriguer, R.C. (2013). Revisión a nivel ibérico de la distribución del topillo de Cabrera o iberón, Iberomys cabrerae (Thomas, 1906). Galemys 25, 35-49.

Salgueiro, P.; Medinas, D.; Silva, C.; Silva, A.; Mira, A. (2013). New data on the distribution range of Hemidactylus turcicus in Portugal. Boletín de la Asociación Herpetológica Española, 24:79-82.

Pereira, M.; Lourenço, R.; Mira, A. (2011). The role of habitat connectivity on road mortality of tawny owls. GeoFocus, 11:70-90.

Silva, C.; Grilo, C.; Mira, A. (2008). Modelling owl mortality on roads of Alentejo (southern Portugal). Airo, 18:3-12;

Pita, R.; A. Mira; Mathias, M.L. (2003). Small mammal community structure in two successional stages of Mediterranean Ecosystem. Galemys, 15: 67-79;

Mira, A.; Mathias, M.L. (1994). Seasonal adrenal weight variation in relation to reproductive activity in the Algerian mouse (Mus spretus Lataste). Newsletter da Societas Europaea Mammalogica, 6:4;


Equipa da Unidade de Biologia da Conservação (setembro 2016)



Universidade de Évora
Departamento de Biologia
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7002-554 Évora, Portugal

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