*double S_gmst
T: Greenwich mean sidereal time, hours */.
double S_sbcf
O: Shadow-band correction factor */.
double S_ampress
O: Pressure-corrected airmass.
double S_azim
O: Solar azimuth angle: N=0, E=90, S=180, W=270.
double S_mnanom
T: Mean anomaly, degrees */.
double S_mnlong
T: Mean longitude, degrees */.
int S_date(void)
Returns date. This function calculates the month and day of month, given the day number (number of d...
double S_eclong
T: Ecliptic longitude, degrees */.
double S_solcon
T: Solar constant, 1367 W/sq m */.
int S_minute
I: Minute of hour, 0 - 59, DEFAULT = 0 I: Minute of hour, 0 - 59, DEFAULT = 0.
double S_amass
O: Relative optical airmass.
*double S_latitude
I: Latitude, degrees north (south negative) */.
double S_rascen
T: Right ascension, degrees */.
*double S_tilt
I: Degrees tilt from horizontal of panel */.
double S_lmst
T: Local mean sidereal time, degrees */.
double S_longitude
I: Longitude, degrees east (west negative) */.
int S_daynum
I/O: Day number (day of year; Feb 1 = 32 ) I/O: Day number (day of year; Feb 1 = 32 ) S_date needs th...
double S_utime
T: Universal (Greenwich) standard time */.
int S_hour
I: Hour of day, 0 - 23, DEFAULT = 12 I: Hour of day, 0 - 23, DEFAULT = 12.
int S_day
I/O: Day of month (May 27 = 27, etc.) I/O: Day of month (May 27 = 27, etc.) S_solpos needs this...
*double S_eqntim
T: Equation of time (TST - LMT), minutes */.
double S_dayang
T: Day angle (daynum*360/year-length) degrees.
double S_ectime
T: Time of ecliptic calculations */.
double S_unprime
O: Factor that denormalizes Kt', Kn', etc. */.
double S_ssha
T: Sunset(/rise) hour angle, degrees */.
*double S_tst
T: True solar time, minutes from midnight */.
int S_solpos(void)
Returns ..... This function calculates the apparent solar position and intensity (theoretical maximu...
double S_ecobli
T: Obliquity of ecliptic */.
double S_cosinc
O: Cosine of solar incidence angle on panel.
int S_month
I/O: Month number (Jan = 1, Feb = 2, etc.) I/O: Month number (Jan = 1, Feb = 2, etc.) S_solpos needs this, but S_date will calculate it from S_daynum.
double S_tstfix
T: True solar time - local standard time */.
int S_year
I: 4-digit year (2-digit is assumed 19xx) I: 4-digit year (2-digit is assumed 19xx) DEFAULT = 2001...
*double S_prime
O: Factor that normalizes Kt, Kn, etc. */.
int S_second
I: Second of minute, 0 - 59, DEFAULT = 0 I: Second of minute, 0 - 59, DEFAULT = 0.